Dear Friends,

I appreciate all of the feedback that you’ve been sending this week about my column on TransPerfect workers unjustly being railroaded for another $5 million by what I see as a fraudulent contempt motion in Chancery Court Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick’s corruption-filled Chancery Court.

What really stood out to me in your feedback is how many people now see the corruption as I see it in our court. The bad that is happening at the very top of our court system in Delaware is being recognized by so many, who have reached out to tell me. You’re alarmed by the damage to our court system as much as I am! Now more than ever. 

I’ve received calls and notes and I know so many of you in my community are in alignment with what I’m saying in my columns and I want to thank you for all of your words of encouragement. I also want to say that I enjoy hearing from those of you who disagree with me.

Your feedback is valuable, whether we agree or disagree. What we have here is really unique as a community. So keep the feedback coming. I enjoy your support and I also enjoy an old-fashioned argument 

Keep the feedback coming, folks.  Your comments are always welcome and appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

JUDSON Bennett–Coastal Network

P.S.: Please follow me on LinkedIn:
