
Judson Bennett

Andre Bouchard’s Chancery Court Would Have Allowed These HIG Layoffs to Have Happened to TransPerfect Workers

When it looked as if Andre Bouchard’s Chancery Court was going to allow HIG to steal TransPerfect under the rule of his court… HIG is now doing mass layoffs in their Lionbridge subsidiary….

13 June, 2024
Delaware Jury Convicts Hunter Biden!

After intentionally allowing the statute of limitations to expire on more serious tax evasion crimes by Hunter Biden and a failed attempt to secure a no consequence Plea deal for Hunter, Del…

11 June, 2024
TransPerfect, Once Hindered by the Chancery Court and Cronyism with Bouchard, Strine, Pincus, is Thriving in Spite of Delaware Court

with Andre Bouchard and Leo Strine calling the shots, appointing their buddies like Robert Pincus — continues to thrive. See the Slator story below TransPerfect has been growing and is no…

31 January, 2024
Readers offer Feedback on the Latest Delaware News Journal Ad

This ad really shows the arrogance of the Chancery Court and those in power there. How this has been allowed to go unchecked is a crime!…

07 December, 2023
The Republican House of Representatives is An Absolute Disgrace!!!

Those self-serving jerks like Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz should be expelled and shunned from ever holding public office again. These idiots have hurt the credibility of the Republican Pa…

21 October, 2023
Citizens Protest Outside the Delaware Governance Institute Fighting Excessive Legal Fees and Chancery Court Actions

Citizens protested outside of the Delaware Governance Institute in Newark campus of the University of Delaware, fighting extreme legal fees and companies moving outside Delaware due to our i…

17 October, 2023
Resignation of Sussex County Republican Committee in Delaware – They Act Like Children

I believe I have the right to express an opinion, having faithfully operated in the past as the 37th Republican District leader, Sussex Campaign Chairman for several campaigns, a substantial…

24 September, 2023
DraftKings and Twitter Join TransPerfect in Leaving Delaware Based on Perceived Chancery Court Corruption

The Chancery court is a vestige of the patronage court system that ran rampant in an earlier era — a 19th century institution in a 21st century world. Insiders trade on law firm connection…

19 September, 2023
The Extreme Left Wing of the Democrat Party Led by Joe Biden: An Incompetent Wretch, and a Potential Criminal!

These outrages are unprecedented and just the “tip of the iceberg” of how bad things really are. There is only one person responsible and that is President Joe Biden who is operating at …

09 September, 2023
Andre Bouchard Started This Chancery Court Corruption, Robert Pincus Carries It On, Yet It Continues!

The current CITGO auction and the TransPerfect auction, both in the Chancery Court, reek of corruption and trail back to Andre Bouchard taking over the Chancery Court and continues with fell…

10 June, 2023
Florida is Where ‘Woke’ Comes to Die!” Governor Ron DeSantis

Unlike so many other states and most Democrat controlled cities, DeSantis does not tolerate crime. There is cash bail, crimes are prosecuted, and criminals go to jail. Furthermore, DeSantis …

21 May, 2023
Many of You Checked out Leo The Hutt, Gracing the Pages of the Delaware News Journal

Leo Strine, Andre Bouchard and Jennifer Voss being called out for their Chancery Court corruption indeed is well-deserved for this collection of corrupt and former Skadden Good Old Boys. You…

04 March, 2023
Leo the Hutt Graces the Pages of the Delaware News Journal to Spotlight Chancery Court Corruption

Leo Strine, Andre Bouchard and Jennifer Voss are also being called out for their Chancery Court corruption. Well deserved for this collection of corrupt and former Skadden Good Old Boys….

23 February, 2023
Balloons Galore–National Security Threat? More Biden Incompetence??

The Biden administration, besides being criminally incompetent in every facet of government, creating unprecedented inflation, opening our southern border to millions of illegals, creating a…

13 February, 2023
Hunter Biden Says Laptop is His–But Blames the Repair Shop Owner for Giving Out the Contents–Wants Delaware AG to Investigate–Absurdity??

The audacity and stupidity of Hunter Biden and his lawyer to publicly suggest that the contents of the infamous laptop, left in a Wilmington, Delaware repair shop by Hunter, were illegally o…

05 February, 2023
Feedback on the Severe Drain From Delaware Chancery Court Corruption in the TransPerfect Case

the severe drain from Chancery Court corruption in the now well-known TransPerfect case, which was in the court full of cronyism, and infested with a Good Ole Boy Network that continues to e…

02 February, 2023
TransPerfect Continues to Support College Football Despite the Drain from Corruption in Delaware’s Chancery Court

I was happy to see TransPerfect continuing to support college athletics despite Chancery Court Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick’s stranglehold over the company. The company’s employees co…

19 January, 2023
United States House of Representatives and Speaker Kevin McCarthy Follow Up

I am hopeful. The reality of the situation is the Senate is still controlled by the Democrats and Biden is still President, What the House does under McCarthy’s leadership could very well …

11 January, 2023
A Corrupt FBI?
18 December, 2022
Delaware Supreme Court Unable to Find Legal Justification for Lower Court Decision, Affirms Ruling Without any Supporting Case Law or Legal Reasoning

This is more of the same from the Delaware judiciary. They circled the wagons and ruled without reasoning because the decisions cannot be supported by law or reason….

23 November, 2022
Real Answers About Delaware’s Chancery Court From Yours Truly vs. Former Chancellor Andre Bouchard’s Bull (Part I)

“You’ve got to jealously guard when you get the court involved in matters,” says Bouchard, the former Chancellor of Delaware’s Court of Chancery, now a partner at Paul Weiss….

05 November, 2022
Teddy Roosevelt’s Words – The Man in the Arena & Primary Elections in Delaware

Elections always make me think of Teddy Roosevelt’s famous speech, which addresses the issues of elections and the important fact that candidates had the courage to run, regardless of vict…

15 September, 2022
Bouchard Doesn’t Mention His Biggest Case on New Firm’s Website, Coastal Network Feedback Rolls In

Bouchard played the court, but wound up getting canned. There was a measure of justice. The abuse of power needs to be checked. Keep checking the abuse….

03 September, 2022
Twitter Employees About to Get Fleeced by McCormick’s Chancery Court

I cringed for both Twitter and Musk when I saw the CNN story, posted below, saying that Musk’s association with Twitter hurts the company. My take is what everyone including CNN is missing: …

11 August, 2022
Twitter vs. Musk Case: My Vote for Delaware’s Filthiest Attorney, Kevin Shannon, is About to Get Even Richer

I view as Delaware’s filthiest attorney and his employer—Kevin Shannon and Potter Anderson—are about to cash in, in the Twitter vs. Elon Musk case. Shannon’s relationship with the Chan…

31 July, 2022
Musk & Twitter’s Public Shareholders Should Prepare for a Shakedown

The Good Old Boys are salivating at the thought of getting a piece of this $44 billion action for themselves! Unfortunately, in Delaware, crime and cronyism still pay. I have been beating th…

16 July, 2022
Trump’s January 6th Involvement, the House Inquiry Committee , What Now?

Folks don’t let this biased hearing, which is out to get Trump, change anything. Trump screwed up in his reluctance to admit he lost the election. It has nothing to do with how bad things …

25 June, 2022
Your Feedback from the Delaware Supreme Court’s Actions Toward TransPerfect’s CEO Phil Shawe

it took far too many years — but justice finally prevailed. I have done my best to shine a bright light on Bouchard’s Chancery Court corruption…

18 June, 2022
Justice Prevails: Details About TransPerfect CEO Phil Shawe’s Long- and Hard-Fought Victory

Andre Bouchard couldn’t simply steal Shawe’s company and give it to his lawyer and private equity friends, without fabricating a ridiculous story. So against the testimony of 10 live witness…

14 June, 2022
TransPerfect CEO Phil Shawe’s Victory Over Andre Bouchard

And what did Andre Bouchard get for his lies and treachery? He got to be asked to retire 6 years early from the bench. And as I clearly see it, he got to personally ruin the image of our onc…

08 June, 2022
TransPerfect Lawyers File Motion That Reads Like a Criminal Indictment of Skadden Arps

In May of 2020, Skadden paid an additional $11 million to former Ukrainian Prime Minister [candidate] Yulia Tymoshenko to avoid a lawsuit accusing Skadden’s lawyers of “whitewashing Yanu…

30 May, 2022
The World Created by Joe Biden is an Atrocity!

Biden has intentionally destroyed our oil industry, taking us from energy independence to depending on foreign oil. Biden has opened our Southern border, illegally allowing millions of undoc…

28 May, 2022
Delaware Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick Maintains Status Quo

Unfortunately, that was not the case. Conflicts of interest, having worked for TransPerfect’s number one competitor, require a recusal, and on top of that, McCormick has maintained the app…

07 May, 2022
Delaware Chancery Court Math Just Doesn’t Add Up

Financial abuse. Financial crimes that I’ve written about by Delaware’s Chancery Court benefitting the seedy law firm Skadden Arps are typically quite complicated. In this case, it’s plain f…

04 May, 2022
Robert Pincus Betrayed His Fiduciary Duties to TransPerfect to Enrich Himself with Luxury Apartment in DC’s The Wharf

Chancery continues to funnel filthy millions and Bob Pincus and Skadden Arps benefit. If there was any justice, Delaware would have an Inspector General looking into the finances of Judges a…

23 April, 2022
BREAKING NEWS: Hunter Biden Admits Chancery Court Corruption, as Exposed in The Washington Post

“I will bring suit in the Chancery Court in Delaware — which as you know is my home state and I am privileged to have worked with and know every judge in the chancery court,” [Hunter B…

03 April, 2022
Citizens and TransPerfect Employees Demand Delaware Supreme Court Justice Seitz Recuse Himself

Citizens for Pro-Business Delaware and the entire TransPerfect senior management team have called publicly for an end to corruption and continued raping of the company by Robert Pincus and B…

28 March, 2022
Columnist Calls Out Chancery Court:

The law has been what protects us all, businesses included, and through the various social and economic storms, law and lawyers have been there to navigate and keep things “honest”, mayb…

24 March, 2022
Delaware Chancellor McCormick Has Audacity to Call Chancellor Bouchard “Merciful” in Decision

In taking a position that reminds me of Joaquin Phoenix’s character in the movie Gladiator, Kathaleen McCormick dubs Chancellor Bouchard, “Bouchard the Merciful.” As I see it folks, this is …

20 March, 2022

every time Putin threatens to use nuclear weapons, do we cower in fright and tip-toe around him? Putin intends to re-establish the old Soviet Union and he is emboldened to do so because he k…

08 March, 2022
Delaware Supreme Court Divided. TransPerfect Claims a Victory. I Remain Unconvinced

The order confirms that at least one of the Justices of the Delaware Supreme Court has recognized the merit of TransPerfect’s argument that the former custodian Robert Pincus and his law f…

04 March, 2022
It’s Almost March! It’s Chancery Court’s New Orleans Boondoggle Time

This Tulane boondoggle is a virtual symbol of Chancery Court corruption, and it’s high time we shut the Good Ole Boys Club down in it, or at least stop Delawareans paying for it! I have hear…

25 February, 2022
Delaware’s Chancery Court is the Purdue Pharmaceuticals equivalent of the Legal World

I had high hopes for McCormick, but she has not shown herself to be an impartial fact-finder, and has not disclosed her conflict in having represented HIG, the 100% owner of TransPerfect’s…

11 February, 2022
Slights’ Retirement Puts Spotlight on Chancery Court Corruption, Like We Saw with TransPerfect Case

TransPerfect was a victim of severe racism by Bouchard, the Chancery Court and its agents, Robert Pincus and Skadden Arps – and I encourage Governor John Carney to change the all-white cou…

09 February, 2022
Democrat Mayors and Governors HAVE INTENTIONALLY created Chaos and Fear in American Cities—Unprecedented

Imagine your wife or your daughter being punched in the face for no reason, or car-jacked, or pushed off a subway platform to a horrible death, and the criminals are released the next day be…

03 February, 2022
TransPerfect Music City Bowl Sponsor Thriving

I’m happy to report that TransPerfect has thrived in spite of Bouchard doing his best to throttle it as hundreds of millions have been swiped from the company and its employees by the Chance…

30 December, 2021
Merry Christmas and Blessings for the New Year

Merry Christmas and many blessings for the New Year from the Coastal Network. On behalf of myself and my entire staff, we wish you the best. …

24 December, 2021
Build Back Better Bill” – It Is An Abomination That Will Destroy America

Biden has become a complete Socialist and this horrible bill will seal our fate, putting America under a system that will absolutely destroy our country. If you do not want to be completely …

02 December, 2021
Weaponizing the Justice Department, the FBI, and the IRS for Political Purposes

When a government administration uses its law enforcement agencies for political purposes to intimidate, to harass, and frighten people into not opposing its questionable policies, prosecuti…

20 November, 2021
The Devolution of Evolution Gaming: A Stinging Report into Problematic Issues with the Company

The report was based on months of deep investigating into Evolution Gaming, where researchers found individuals who run the alleged illegal activities, and they went online and played the ga…

18 November, 2021
Reader Feedback on TransPerfect Legal Victory Against Skadden Article!

We may finally see a glimmer of justice in the TransPerfect case in Delaware’s Chancery Court. With Kathaleen McCormick in charge, maybe there’s a chance?…

16 October, 2021
The Attempted Destruction of America!

is creating a welfare state of authoritarian Socialism going to give you “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”? Is teaching our children “Critical Race Theory” in order to hat…

07 October, 2021
Skadden Arps’ Jennifer Voss Get Schooled by Alan Dershowitz, Who Energizes Chancery Court Hearing

I have never seen billing like this in my life, in my experience and in everything I have ever read,” Dershowitz said. “I can tell you anybody, any lawyer, no matter how wealthy or how rich,…

03 October, 2021
The Story of Kevin Shannon, Potter Anderson, Robert Pincus: One Dirty Legal Hand Washes the Other in Wilmington

During the famous TransPerfect case in Delaware’s Chancery Court, when Potter Anderson and Kevin Shannon started losing, they basically started calling Pincus unethical! Potter Anderson said…

25 September, 2021
Two Airports, a Wilmington Delaware Hotel a Football Adventure at Rutgers University’s Stadium…

the Delaware punter kicked it directly to the top punt return guy in the country. He did run one back for a touchdown. Why not kick it out of bounds? Poor coaching folks. Delaware had everyt…

24 September, 2021
Custodian Bob Pincus Accused of Billing Fraud – Separate From TransPerfect Case

shamefully, the rich are getting richer and the poor workers at these companies are paying for it with lower salaries, healthcare benefits and bonuses. This money has to come from somewhere …

11 September, 2021
SHOCKER: Bouchard’s Country Club Pal Kevin Shannon Wins Again in Chancery Court!

the Chancery Court in my opinion, under Bouchard has been a corrupt disgrace for over 6 years. When I think about Chancellor Bouchard, Kevin Shannon, Jennifer Voss, and Bob Pincus, no matter…

06 September, 2021
Biden Supporters Accusing SCOTUS of a “Lack of Transparency”

While Joe Biden’s supporters accuse the U.S. Supreme Court of a “lack of transparency,” how about taking a look at our poorly-run and without-an-ounce of transparency Chancery Court….

30 August, 2021
News Story Highlights Chancellor McCormick’s Criticism: Heist of Tens of Millions & Scorched-Earth Skadden Practices

This week, a company attorney made a compelling argument that Skadden Arps’ Robert Pincus used Court-granted power to “pull off a heist worth tens of millions of dollars.” That’s a hel…

26 July, 2021
Future of Delaware Chancery Court Hangs in Balance for Chancellor McCormick

Chancellor McCormick has chance to see justice prevail regarding her far-too-swift decision to deny due process and grant Skadden Arps’ motion approving past billing practices in the Trans…

16 July, 2021
High Hopes For Chancellor McCormick Are Diminishing She Continues to Allow Skadden to Steal

McCormick granted the motion without giving TransPerfect a chance to reply, which in my understanding, is a due process violation. She relied on the one-sided argument of Pincus and Skadden …

18 June, 2021
Andre Bouchard, Leo Strine, Robert Pincus, Skadden All Exposed in Delaware News Journal Spotlight

it was criminal to watch these individuals, systematically take “$44 million in undocumented fees”, according to a federal judge’s ruling. To add insult to the ethics and equity of the court…

22 May, 2021
AFTER Andre Bouchard — Chancery Court Clean-Up Commences

This illegal back scratching was bound to end someday, but the powers that be eventually heard the cries of TransPerfect’s oppressed workforce, and Chancellor’s ouster ensued….

19 May, 2021
Misrepresentations, Grotesque Lies About Georgia’s New Voting Law

The new Georgia voting laws and Florida’s existing laws give innumerable opportunities for everyone to be able to vote with designated early voting. In Georgia, you do not have to give a rea…

09 May, 2021
To Celebrate Andre Bouchard’s Resignation, TransPerfect Gives $3 Million Bonuses to Employees

What a feel good story for the thousands of workers FORMER Chancellor Andre Bouchard terrorized for years – and stole their raises and Christmas bonuses, and converted over $50 million to …

06 May, 2021
Delaware Chancery Court Chancellor Andre Bouchard Going-Away Party, Friday, April 30 at 5pm EST!

Join the virtual party with me and celebrate a new beginning as the jaded is going out, and the refreshing is coming in with hope and equity for a better Chancery Court! Join me and Citizen…

29 April, 2021
How Much More Will Andre Bouchard Steal From TransPerfect in His Last Act as Chancellor?!

Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware protesters and grassroots activists will stand alongside a 12-foot inflatable protest rat to denounce the ongoing failures of the Chancery Court, includi…

29 April, 2021
A Federal Judge Found Andre Bouchard Guilty of Diverting “$44 Million in Undocumented Fees”

We consider the ruling a victory in that the Federal Court found Chancellor Bouchard ordered TransPerfect to pay ‘$44 million in undocumented fees’ to his former law firm. It also put Bo…

26 April, 2021
Chancery Court-Appointed Custodian Robert Pincus Shockingly Appointed “Special Master” in Delaware’s District Court After Disastrous TransPerfect Case

Pincus clearly has shown himself not to have the ethical fiber to do this job, in my view. I’m embarrassed for the state of Delaware to put him in charge of another company. It’s a criminal …

24 April, 2021
Media Spins Federal Judge Ruling As Win for Andre Bouchard, but Judgement is Huge Victory For TransPerfect

$44 million in undocumented fees?! That’s highway robbery in broad daylight! The company’s victory will help others not get screwed or bullied the way TransPerfect did in Delaware by greedy,…

20 April, 2021
Spanish Newspaper Shines Spotlight of Shame on Delaware over TransPerfect Case

Some outlets describe the state of Delaware as ‘the most secret tax haven in the world’ as it allows both legitimate companies and criminals to hide money through shell companies.” It’s more…

23 March, 2021
Listen to this interview with DE’s Rick Jensen and Chris Coffey from Citizen’s Group about Chancellor Bouchard and Skadden

Chancellor Bouchard has made TransPerfect miserable with his biased and subjective rulings, creating constant stress and uncertainty in the workplace….

19 March, 2021
Delaware’s Gov John Carney Continues Authoritarian Stance!

Considering the authoritarian, unconstitutional mandates coming out of the White House, Delaware’s future worries me. Carney has been an authoritarian despot, who through his severe lockdo…

13 March, 2021
Chancery Court’s Andre Bouchard Orders His Previous Law Firm Skadden Arps to Justify Billing in TransPerfect Case

The actions of Skadden in the TransPerfect case, through its operative Robert Pincus, should show the avarice and angling this company attempts to get away with, which in my opinion, creates…

08 March, 2021
Skadden Arps Bills $200,000 for Creating a Bill!

Skadden is a firm that would bill $200,000 for creating the bill. Imagine how much padding must REALLY be going on in these bills! I was struck by the audacity of Skadden Arps. To feel justi…

03 March, 2021
Citizens Call for Transparency and Open Access in Upcoming TransPerfect Court Case

Will Andre Bouchard continue his shadow operation, seemingly showing grotesque bias without an inkling of transparency in this case? Citizens are calling for openness and fairness in this li…

02 March, 2021
With Clock Ticking on Andre Bouchard’s Retirement, Citizens Make Bold Statement on Mobile Billboard in Delaware

the good government group is pleading with Governor John Carney to appoint a Black justice to the state’s Chancery Court. After Biden’s affirmed commitment to appoint a Black woman to th…

28 February, 2021
Fear For America, Fear for the Future

Biden’s order to shut down the Keystone Pipeline, eliminating thousands of jobs is so crazy it is mind boggling! The frightening agenda of instilling the Green New Deal on America is beyon…

22 February, 2021
Texas A Disaster from Green Energy

The proposed “Green New Deal” being advocated by President Joe Biden is the one of the most unreliable, absurd, unsound, and dangerous proposition in United States history. Not only will…

18 February, 2021
If Andre Bouchard is too Sick and Unfit For Office, Must He Admit it?

I have two sources close to the matter who have stated he would not be well enough to come into live hearings, even if the pandemic were not at issue….

18 February, 2021
Skadden Accused of Concealing “Its Conflicting Relationships” in Law360 Story By Jeff Montgomery

Skadden’s retention should be denied and that it should be required to return fees already paid based on its failure to fully disclose its prepetition relationships in declarations filed wit…

14 February, 2021
George F. Schmalhofer-State Trooper — How He Affected Me!

I have always respected police officers and a moment during the Capitol police officer’s funeral, I thought about my childhood from kindergarten through 3rd grade and memories came floodin…

07 February, 2021
Diversity: The Hypocrisy of Delaware’s Latte Liberals

decisions should be made without regard to race or religion. Best person for the job, that kind of thing, is my motto folks….

13 January, 2021
Andre Bouchard, Head of Delaware’s Chancery Court to Retire — DELAWARE STATE NEWS STORY

it was just a matter of time before some viable complaints put Bouchard in deep trouble. Frankly, any praises or compliments about Andre Bouchard stated by the Governor or other Judges ring …

03 January, 2021
Happy New Year from the Coastal Network–Reflections and Thoughts!

the battle is to remain healthy, fight for freedom of speech, lower taxes, stop censorship and propaganda, keep the 2nd amendment, and to promote capitalism. For me, mediocrity is a fate wor…

01 January, 2021
Delaware’s Chancellor Quits amidst Mounting Criticism! ASSOCIATED PRESS PICKS UP THE STORY!

Never in my life have I seen a Delaware Chancellor so biased, so subjective, and so arrogant and who indeed deserved the criticism….

31 December, 2020
Delaware Battle Against Chancellor Bouchard and Chancery Court Rages on for TransPerfect CEO and Employees

Delaware Chancery Court Chancellor Andre Bouchard gets even crazier, in my opinion, folks, to keep his bloodthirsty revenge against TransPerfect workers going — along with the Skadden grav…

19 December, 2020
Leo Strine Has Diminished America’s First State’s Reputation, Many, Including Coastal Network, Have and Continue to Point This Out

The bias exhibited in his demeanor and subjective decisions has hurt Delaware’s credibility. If Strine ever runs for office or campaigns for a space in the Biden administration, I will be…

15 December, 2020
Ex-Delaware Judge Strine Accused of Racism Purports to Be Expert on Systematic Racism?! Outrageous! 

 Seems Strine is becoming an expert on so many things since leaving his perch on the Delaware Supreme Court with half of his term still left to be served. I can see that he might be an ex…

15 November, 2020
“Self-Dealing” Chancellor Andre Bouchard is the Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Andre Bouchard is the one who is “self-dealing” in his courtroom. He’s the one dishing off judgments and money going to his old pals at Bob Pincus of Skadden Arps, and Kevin Shannon of Potte…

15 November, 2020
Leo Strine Touting Authorizing Public Benefit Corporation, at the Expense of Shareholders, While Enriching Lawyer Pals

Strine wants to change the rules for corporate managers and directors. He’s talking ridiculous nonsense about authorizing the “public benefit corporation”, to declare public purposes bey…

14 November, 2020
Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Truth of US Voting Systems — Fraud !

Eyewitness testimony of ballots being changed, altered, or harvested, mail-in ballots coming in after the legal deadline, and software programs that changed votes from Trump to Biden…

14 November, 2020
Delaware Can Point Finger at Bouchard and Strine Corruption if Biden Loses Presidential Race

if Joe Biden does not win the election, he can point to his own home state of Delaware for the corrupt “Delaware Way” led, in my view, by Chancellor Andre Bouchard and former Delaware Chief …

04 November, 2020
British Gambler Bets $5 Million on Trump — Good Move? I Think So!

A British fellow is hoping to turn $5 million into $15 million by also betting on President Trump! Those odds and President Trump are too good to resist. …

03 November, 2020
A Rarity — TransPerfect Case Litigants Agree to Unseal Documents — Will Chancellor Bouchard Agree?

Every party in the TransPerfect case agreed to unseal the court records on the case. All parties, including the company, it co-founders Phil Shawe and Liz Elting, company shareholder Shirley…

26 October, 2020
Trump Destroys Biden in Final Debate — BIDEN CORRUPTION EXPOSED!

Biden said “he would end gas and oil by 2035 and replace it with alternative energy.” Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, all would lose millions of jobs, Trump was quick to instill this fact int…

23 October, 2020
Did Delaware Governor Carney Oversee a Corrupt Land Deal? Murray Says Taxpayers Should Hold Him Accountable!

It is time to rid Delaware of John Carney, whose dictatorial lockdowns have decimated Delaware’s business community….

23 October, 2020
ABSURD Presidential Town Halls — TRUMP Rocks — Biden Sputters and Stutters

Trump made Guthrie choke on her words and her obvious frustration at being totally outgunned by the “Donald” was spectacular. In my view, Savannah Guthrie hurt her career and President T…

16 October, 2020
Carney & Bouchard Team Up to Pardon a White Supremacist Who is Later Arrested for Plotting to Kidnap Michigan Governor

Delaware needs to oust Governor Carney on November 3, for Republican candidate Julianne Murray—and regardless of who wins the governor’s race—the most important thing we can do for ou…

10 October, 2020
Judson Bennett: My View of the Presidential Debate

Regardless of the minor successes that Trump scored, the obnoxious, loud cross-talking between the contestants, dwarfed any clear understanding from the audience and scratched out any recogn…

30 September, 2020
Radio Host Goes After Former Delaware Supreme Court Justice Leo Strine!

Leo Strine believes that responsibility to shareholders should not be the focus of corporate America…

19 September, 2020
Delaware’s Democrat Governor John Carney Fails to Designate Obvious Hate Crime at University of Delaware

All Governor John Carney could say about Jew hatred and arson is that it was “upsetting”. He would not call it a hate crime…

10 September, 2020
    Slovenia in Trouble?
    01 December, 2018
      9/5/18 Primary Election
      15 September, 2018
      Delaware Chancellor Andre Bouchard is on the verge of creating an international incident for the United States.

      Delaware Chancellor Andre Bouchard is on the verge of creating an international incident for the United States…

      16 July, 2017