Dear Friends,

I wrote how dismayed and annoyed I am to hear that the entire Sussex County Republican Executive Committee has resigned, apparently over the election of Juliane Murray as the new Delaware State GOP Chairperson, according to my reliable sources.

If you Republican folks in Sussex don’t get it together and work out your differences, you will never elect another Republican, and Delaware will remain grotesquely blue with Socialist programs, loss of freedoms, and increased taxes.

I don’t have anything else to say, except perhaps good riddance to the entire, resigned, and childish committee. You have created an unprecedented division that is terribly unhealthy and unattractive in Sussex County. As to the remaining District Leaders, please replace these malcontents with folks who want to listen, compromise and work in unity to elect Republicans.

Please get behind Julianne Murray. The purpose of the Delaware GOP is to promote our conservative values and elect Republicans.

As always your comments are welcome and appreciated.

Once again, see the publication below from the former Sussex Executive Republican Committee!

Respectfully yours,

JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network

“Dear Friends,

Resignation of Sussex County Republican Committee

Greetings, fellow Republicans

For those who are yet unaware, the Executive Board of the Sussex County Republican Committee has resigned. Know that this decision was undertaken after numerous hours of contemplation and not decided hastily. After days of deliberation, we feel this is the best course of action. We have been honored to lead and serve the Republican Party in our little part of the world although it has not been very pleasant recently.

Marilyn Booker

Lewis W Briggs, II

Hylton Phillips-Page

Betty Bridgeman”