Rick Bell of Harvard Business Services Speaks

Dear Friends,

I received this e-mail from Rick Bell in response to the TransPerfect articleabout Chancellor Bouchard’s controversial ruling. Rick Bell, a former Lt Governor candidate, is Delaware’s foremost specialist on forming Delaware corporations worldwide. Rick also tells me that incorporations in Delaware are down 1.5 % and new business growth is way off.

Bouchard’s actions will definitely hurt Delaware’s credibility. Below Rick Bell’s message is a News Journal article by Jeff Mordock.

Please become aware of this disaster in the making by reading these articles. Call your state legislators and let them know how you feel.

Harvard Business Services

Harvard Business Services, Inc.

Rick Bell’s Delawareinc.com | Source

Rick Bell


As you know, we form Delaware companies for people. In fact, we form more than 15,000 new Delaware companies per year for people from all across the USA and all around the world. On a good day, we’ll form more than 50 new Delaware companies. There are many companies like ours, except we are different in that we form ONLY Delaware companies. Most of the other companies in this business will form a company in all 50 states.

The Court of Chancery decision you are referring to is one of the most significant stumbling blocks to many entrepreneurs choosing Delaware. The decision may be justifiable to the chancellor, but it is a disaster for Delaware’s image.

When people are making a decision as whether to choose Delaware or their home state, they take a leap of faith that Delaware will be better for them. Specifically, they perceive Delaware as protecting Directors and treating stockholders fairly. This case has everyone thinking that Delaware is unpredictable and makes rogue decisions that could literally assassinate your company even if you’ve been successful in the marketplace.

If it is reversed by the Supreme Court Delaware will be better off.”

Richard H. (Rick) Bell, II
Chairman & CEO
Harvard Business Services, Inc.
16192 Coastal Highway
Lewes, Delaware 19958


Delaware is the Corp Capital


What should Judge Bouchard do?