Dear Friends,

Today I shed a few tears at the playing of Taps at the Grave of the Unknown Soldier. So many beautiful souls gave their lives in defense of our country. We honor them with the lonely essence of that powerful sound.

Of all the military bugle calls, none is so easily recognized or more apt to render emotion than the call of Taps. The melody is both eloquent and haunting, and the history of its origin is interesting and somewhat clouded in controversy. In the British Army, a similar call known as Last Post has been sounded over soldiers’ graves since 1885, but the use of Taps is unique with the United States military, since the call is sounded at funerals, wreath-laying, and memorial services.

Up to the Civil War, the infantry call for Lights Out was set down in Silas Casey’s (1801-1882) Tactics, which had been borrowed from the French. The music for Taps was changed by Union General Daniel Butterfield for his Brigade (Third Brigade, First Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac) in July of 1862.

God bless our valiant warriors on this special day.

Respectfully Submitted,

JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network

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