OPINION Dear Friends, I appreciate your feedback and I struck a nerve with my recent piece on, “TransPerfect Wins Legal Victory Over Skadden Arps in Delaware’s Chancery Court, Securing Two Wins in Past Two Months”  Two victories against law firm Skadden Arps is a big deal because, as I see it folks, the Chancery Court has historically taken the side of the wealthy and connected Skadden lawyers. Yet the case remains extended while the court continues to force the company to pay for Skadden’s time, at $2,000 an hour from what I understand, to bring losing actions against it and then lose again. I am outraged by this injustice, and I see that you are too.I appreciate your feedback, which I’ve featured below:
From Mary A.: “It all seems so crazy. No doubt certain connected lawyers get special  preference. The Bar association, the Judges, and the legislature all profit, some directly and others indirectly. Disgraceful. Delaware is the most corrupt state in the nation. Biden right there with the corruption, which we all know about. Great reporting, sir.”From Joe M.:“Amazing corruption that has been going on for years! Good job.”From Carol I.: “Nothing will change in Delaware. The crowd, “The Good Ole Boys Club” as you like to call them, are too entrenched. Does not matter which party is in control, It is subtle corruption. You have nailed it. Thanks for what you do.”From Peter P.: “Judson, Things sound more corrupt in Delaware than they do in Florida. Very interesting.”From Laurie C.: “Great Reporting Jud.”From John W.: “Wow, “The Delaware Way” seems alive and well ! I enjoy your passionate representations.”From Georgia P.: “I always enjoy hearing your Delaware Perspective. You are an excellent writer. Keep up the great work!”From Rick H.: “Judson, Interesting stuff. These boys in Delaware better watch out. They could get disbarred. Keep digging.”
Keep your feedback coming, folks! I appreciate it and it keeps us informed at my Coastal Network
Sincerely Yours, Judson Bennett–Coastal Network