Dear Friends,

The Republican Party holds a narrow 222-212 majority in the House. This means Congressman Jim Jordan, the latest candidate for Speaker or any other candidate cannot afford many Republican defections if anyone hopes to defeat Democrat Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker. The Democrats are unified in making sure no Republican gets elected. Jordan seems to face stiff opposition from several childish, self-serving Republicans who care more about themselves than the country.

While Jordan has received endorsements from the influential, ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy, some moderates view Jordan as too partisan of a choice to effectively manage a slim GOP majority.

In my view, Jordan is a great candidate. He is a dedicated Conservative who constantly seeks the truth and justice. He is a former, two time, national-collegiate college wrestler. He is the best possible candidate for our country.

The final outcome remains uncertain as Jordan continues lobbying his colleagues to unite behind him. Supporters emphasize his conservative credentials. Critics argue as a Speaker Jordan would empower the most extreme factions of the party.

In the end, the Speaker vote will come down to Republican members determining who they believe can best represent their interests and unify their conference. The race remains fluid as Jordan works for commitments.

Frankly, the situation is outrageous, and certain idiotic, elected Republicans are hurting the entire GOP and the future of our country, especially in light of the situation in Israel. I hope they are forced into primaries and removed from office, especially Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz who created this entire problem by getting elected Speaker McCarthy removed from his position for personal, selfish reasons. Gaetz is a disgrace and pariah who should not be in Congress!

I am ashamed, embarrassed and angered at this absurd incompetence by these Republicans who could be destroying everything, so many of us have worked towards, in removing the scourge and devastation of the Biden administration.

The Republicans in the House must get it together “NOW”, elect a Speaker or things could get real bad for the GOP and the country.

That’s the way I see it, what do you think?

As always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated,

Sincerely yours,

JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network 

P.S.: Please follow me on LinkedIn, folks: 
