Dear Friends,

Your feedback on my recent column has been pouring in. Here are the top five. Keep ’em coming, folks!

“A $2 million ad attack is a CEO putting his money where his mouth is. Shawe is a leader who is committed to exposing the wrongs in Delaware’s Chancery Court .”
-Ellie C.  

“Billionaire Elon Musk is up for a battle anytime. Right or wrong, this man is a fighter.”
-John M.

“McCormick telling us that Musk’s Tesla won’t use his shareholder vote to attack her, just shows that she’s running scared of something.”
-Jackie D.

“Musk must have lots more money to spend on this than Shawe. Would like to see Musk use his money in Delaware. He can’t be happy with this court.”
-Taylor W.

“Reuters’ story shows how ridiculous this whole sham of a court is.”
-Roger S.

Keep your feedback coming. Your comments are appreciated and always welcome.

Respectfully Yours,

JUDSON Bennett–Coastal Network

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