Dear friends,
As 2024 begins, I am pleased to share some good news about my publications, at least from my perspective. That being said, the purpose of the Coastal Network is to share my opinions about important political issues affecting our country and inequitable situations throughout, including the State of Delaware, where I am from.
Interestingly, Delaware makes 1/3 of its revenue from Incorporations paying fees and franchise taxes. Because of the once famous, non-biased Chancery Court, most major and many minor corporations have incorporated there, including many individual American merchant ships. Unfortunately in my educated view, this prestigious and omnipotent Court has become arbitrary and capricious, seemingly political, and possibly biased with powerful Judges (Chancellors) that have conflicts of interest or political connections that affect their decisions. I am pushing for change through my writings.
The good news is the “Conservative Caucus of Delaware” is going to publish, in its January newsletter (mailed January 2nd), my recent article concerning a land dispute in a high end development at Rehoboth Beach Yacht and Country Club (RBYCC v. Beebe) where a property owner seems to have lost an unprecedented decision over grading in Delaware’s Chancery Court. The many members of the “Conservative Caucus” will now be additionally informed as to possible Chancery Court corruption and biased decisions. The more folks that become interested, the better chance for much needed change.
Furthermore, for several weeks in a row, my articles have topped the Linkedin views and comments on a national level which is quite remarkable.
Former State Senator Colin Bonini recently stated in response to my article the following: “Hey Jud, hope you had a blessed Christmas! For years I tried to tell my former colleagues that Delaware’s position as the premier business destination is really quite fragile. Other states can, and are beginning to, copy what we’ve done. And unless we are incredibly responsive to the needs of the modern global business climate it will simply be a matter of time before we lose our prime position.”
Your comments are always welcome and appreciated. Again Happy New Year Folks – “Beauty is Truth and Truth is Beauty”— Poet John Keats from Ode To a Grecian Urn.
Sincerely Yours,
JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network