Feedback on Can the Democrats Be This Stubborn? Still Running Controversy-Filled Controversy-Filled Bethany Hall-Long For Delaware Governor?

Dear Friends,

Your feedback on my recent column has been pouring in. Here are the top five. Keep ’em coming, folks!

“This reflects the mentality in Delaware that elected officials and judges can act from their own self interest. It’s as if they think no one is watching. We are watching, Bethany!”
-Ernie G.  

“The Republicans will steal this election from the Democrats if she’s their candidate.”
-John M.

“Is anyone surprised her lieutenant governor office staff is working on her campaign when they should be working on Delaware? She’s selfish and her staff reflects her.”
-Joan B.

“Bethany Hall-Long has been full of scandal. Why are they sticking with her? Run anyone else and the Democrats will win. They haven’t lost the Governorship for at least 3 or 4 decades.”
-Thomas M.

“Hall-Long’s polling lead has been erased. Voters are catching on.”
-Pamela D.

Keep your feedback coming. Your comments are appreciated and always welcome.

Respectfully Yours,

JUDSON Bennett–Coastal Network

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