Delaware Primary is Tomorrow, Get out and vote, folks! 

Dear Friends,

Tuesday, September 10th is Delaware’s primary. The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Democrats can only vote for Democrats and Republicans can only vote for Republicans. Independents can’t vote in the primary.

Although it may be easier for Ramone to beat Bethany given her allegedly extensive corruption, I believe Matt Meyer will win and he is a better choice.  Bethany seems cut from the same cloth as Chancellor Andre Bouchard, Leo Strine and John Carney, a dark chapter in Delaware’s history that should be brought to a close as we look forward.

I urge the election of Mike Ramone as the Republican Candidate for Governor and Ruth Briggs King for Lt. Governor.

There are innumerable problems in Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware and the election of Ramone and King is indeed possible!

Regardless, Get out and vote folks.

Best regards,

JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network