Dear Friends, It’s clearly unethical, folks, for Chancellor McCormick and Vice Chancellor Travis Laster to be publicly commenting on their cases. 

Yet in Delaware, they do so with impunity. Even more illegal than public commenting, Laster and McCormick have taken to lobbying the legislature about their cases–this is clearly illegal as it violates the Constitution’s “Separation of Powers” principles.

If Chancellor McCormick wants her whiney-activist voice heard by the legislators, then by God she should run for office and get elected! She was hired to interpret the law, not lobby or interfere with making law. In other states, they would be strongly rebuked, fired, or impeached. But in Governor John Carney’s Delaware, it’s just another day at the Chancery Court offices.I called Laster out on LinkedIn, see his answer in the photo below. What do you think of his answer? Send me your thoughts and feedback. I’m not the only one calling Laster and McCormick out, see this Delaware Call article: Sparks fly in final hearing on corporate law amendments | Delaware Call

Respectfully Yours, JUDSON Benett–Coastal Network