Dear Friends,
You heard it first on the Coastal Network and now the mainstream media is catching on, folks. See the article below, by Delaware Business Now about Chancellor Andre Bouchard apparently returning favors to C.J. Seitz of the Delaware Supreme Court, by giving his old firm Ross Aronstam a victory over TransPerfect without even a hearing, which Bouchard had originally promised.
Why the backscratch? Great question. Despite having disqualified himself twice for a conflict of interest, as I understand it, Seitz sat on a TransPerfect appeal panel anyway, and affirmed Bouchard’s decisions — arguably the most controversial and corrupt judicial decisions in U.S. business history.
As the quicksand gets deeper, Seitz’s recusal appears to be based on work he did as a consultant while in private practice for TransPerfect CEO Phil Shawe’s legal team.
Only in Delaware!
And one more thing, folks—the $7.1 million that Seitz helped pilfer from TransPerfect and Shawe (also without even a hearing on appeal!), apparently went in large part to Steven Lamb—none other than Andre Boucahrd’s former business partner at Bouchard & Lamb!!
The more I uncover, the more this Chancellor’s administration reeks of corruption—compared to Bouchard, the Wuhan wet market would smell like the Godiva chocolate factory.
Please keep your feedback coming on this folks. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Respectfully Yours,
JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network

Pro Business Delaware criticizes Chancery decision in TransPerfect case
December 21, 2020
Following a Chancery Court ruling that granted a motion to the old firm of former Delaware Supreme Court Chief Justice C.J. Seitz against TransPerfect and Shirley Shawe, Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware campaign manager Chris Coffey released the following statement that took the court to task.
“Once again, Chancellor Bouchard has opted to rule in favor of an old colleague and friend rather than following the merits of the argument. Even worse, he has done so without a hearing, meaning TransPerfect has no recourse or opportunity to make its case.”
“This is a classic example of how the ‘old boys’ club’ of Delaware’s court system protects its own without transparency or accountability. While Seitz disqualified himself from participating in the TransPerfect case twice, he somehow thought it was appropriate to sit on the TransPerfect appeal even after that disqualification.”
“Now, Bouchard is ruling in favor of Seitz’s former firm, Ross Aronstam & Moritz, in order to protect them. This is obviously returning the favor for when Seitz, despite having a clear conflict of interest, sitting on the TransPerfect case and affirming Bouchard’s ruling. The people of Delaware deserve to have a transparent and accountable court system.”
Under judicial rules, Bouchard is not allowed to comment on the criticism from the group that was formed during the battle over ownership of business services company TransPerfect.
TransPerfect Partner Philip Shawe prevailed in the case. However, litigation has continued over issues such as billing for services by the custodian who was appointed as part of the sales process.
Citizens has continued to criticize the state’s judicial and prison system It also formed a political action committee that went after Gov. John Carney who makes judicial appointments that are confirmed by the State Senate.