I am asking you to click on this link and watch this video:
Please take a quick look and let me know what you think. I
am preparing a feedback piece. Send your comments as soon as you can, as the
response has been strong! I would like to thank the legislators who have
responded as well, and I want your voice to be heard too!
15 minutes into it you will see me asking a probing
I believe that Delaware’s absolute, basic, economic, moral,
and ethical future is at stake here!
The link will take you to a video showing the beginning of an important movement! It started with a press conference (shown in the video) that is going to affect the future of Delawareans for years to come!
I attended the press conference in front of the Court House
in downtown Wilmington, Delaware on July 10th. The “Citizens for Pro Business
Delaware” event was led by their Chairman, Chris Coffey.
Thank you for taking the time to view this important video.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated!
JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network
Judson Bennett
Captain A. Judson Bennett was a life- long resident of Lewes, DE. He served the maritime industry for 33 years, primarily as a Delaware River Pilot, guiding large ships to the Port of Philadelphia. Captain Bennett has been an active and consistent entrepreneur over the years.
He was elected as a Lewes City Councilman for 6 years. Afterwards he ran for the Sussex County Council as a Republican, and with 20 thousand people voting, lost Delaware’s closest election by 3 votes to an 8 year incumbent. Abandoning his personal political ambitions, he became the Republican District leader, advocating conservative values. Captain Bennett became a lobbyist in the state legislature advocating among many ideas, financial literacy concepts in education. He managed several political campaigns, including one for Governor of Delaware and one for the US Senate against VP Joe Biden. He is now the owner, operator, and writer for the Coastal Network which communicates regularly with over 6000 people throughout the State of Delaware.
Captain Bennett is a graduate of St. Andrew’s School in Middletown, DE (where the movie “The Dead Poet’s Society was filmed) and also graduated “Magna Cum Laude” from the University of Delaware with a BA in Criminal Justice and an MA in Liberal Studies.
He is now a Widower, living in West Palm Beach, Florida. Captain Bennett has one son, three grandchildren, and one great grand-daughter, all who live in Richmond, Virginia.