
It should concern all of us that news of corruption in our once proud state of Delaware has again spread to the Spanish newspaper (see the translated story below)! We should all be embarrassed that Delaware has continuously attracted negative attention around the world. Read the shameful story below and let me know if you are as embarrassed as I am about this overseas coverage for Delaware.

Sincerely Yours,

JUDSON Bennett, Coastal Network

Delaware justice overshadowed by corruption after the Transperfect case

Corruption flies over the State of Delaware after the ‘TransPerfect case’

A series of suspicious and opaque practices overshadow the integrity of its judicial institutions and have cost many criticisms and complaints


The TransPerfect case, one of the largest shareholder conflicts in the history of the United States, put more than 5,000 jobs worldwide at risk , 500 of them in the offices of Passeig de Gràcia in Barcelona.

The case has revealed the  corruption that exists in the judicial institutions of the US State of Delaware, the original headquarters of TransPerfect until it had to flee to Nevada in search of a more fair treatment.

Suspicious practices

In recent years there has been a detailed follow-up of the different tricks used by the Delaware State Chancellery , with Judge André Bouchard in the lead, to favor the “Old Boys” of Delaware. Practices that have made poor, opaque and manipulated management visible in favor of a powerful circle of people.

It is important to highlight the origin of the TransPerfect Case. This is the moment in which the judge decreed the forced sale of a private company with benefits, the more than 250 million dollars spent on lawyers and consultants at the request of Bouchard, the deliberate concealment of the files of the case once resolved or the unbundled bills paid to law firms related to the judge, which are still arriving five years later.

Bad criticism and citizen discontent

This battery of controversial actions has cost the State of Delaware a multitude of criticisms and complaints from different strata of American society. In recent years, Delaware has fallen from the first to the eleventh position in the ranking prepared by the United States Chamber of Commerce, which assesses the transparency and impartiality of states through surveys of businessmen, lawyers and citizens.

In addition to having suspended the valuation of the United States Public Integrity Center, the United States Department of Justice is investigating the judicial team that managed the company’s sale process for alleged discrimination during 2017, when the company was under its control. Also, an opinion poll published in recent months by the Slingshot Strategies agency has revealed widespread discontent on the part of the citizens of the State of Delaware with the management of the current government.

Advertising pressure

Given this situation of alleged corruption and clear government opacity, there are already thousands of voices that have spoken in favor of a more transparent government, judicial institutions that represent the population and not just the interests of a few.

Specifically, the Citizens for a Pro Business citizen association, which has championed the citizen struggle to return Delaware to the field of transparency and competitiveness, has activated a campaign in which through irony it focuses on the Court Supreme and especially in André Bouchard.

Citizen action

“If you bill millions as a business lawyer, you like spending thousands of dollars on fancy dinners and you like driving cars that cost five times more than the average Delaware citizen earns annually, it seems you are the perfect candidate to become a Judge of the Delaware Supreme Court, ”they say, and concludes the video with a resounding“ our Supreme Court should be representative of the people it serves ”

On the other hand, Shirley Shawe , a TransPerfect shareholder and one of the most critical voices with the management of Judge Bouchard, has also wanted to shed light on the situation and has funded a TV advertising campaign in the States of Iowa and New Hampshire with the objective of increasing the notoriety of the problem that plagues one of the most powerful judicial courts in the country.

Serious deficiencies in the Supreme Court of Delaware

The advertising piece presents US Senator Joe Biden and Harvard professor Elizabeth Warren in a 2005 parliamentary dispute. The piece, edited, and with a voiceover that highlights the message, presents the following dialogue:

“Are you suggesting that the Delaware Supreme Court is not a competent or transparent court? Right, Joe Biden! That is why it has been valued at position 48 of 50 by the Center for Public Integrity in fundamental areas such as transparency and accounting ”.

The piece also highlights some of the shortcomings of the Delaware Supreme Court such as having no cameras in courtrooms, not reporting the earnings of judges, not having traceability of administrative documents and not presenting restrictions on the incorporation of judges who come from from the private sector.