Dear Friends,
The Republican leadership and many intellectual patriots have been expecting this “Red Wave” for a long time. With a few exceptions, like Delaware, NY, NJ, Virginia, and California, the Republican landslide has encompassed the entire country. Even in these misguided states, huge votes were cast by many folks for Trump and many other Republican candidates. Indeed the “Red Wave” is real and unprecedented in recent times throughout the entire United States.
The majority of voters finally realized that Kamala Harris was an empty suit and a liar who represented policies that would further hurt our country and would be a horrible continuation of Biden’s incompetent operation. Interestingly, the malicious diatribes perpetrated by Harris and Walz claiming that “Trump would destroy Democracy” were over the top and absolutely untrue. If anybody would put our Democratic Republic at risk it would have been Harris with her insipid, fallacious rhetoric and her grotesque prevarications. Thank God she was defeated and sent packing, hopefully no longer an insidious threat to the well- being of not only the US, but the entire world.
Folks, the “Red Wave” is now real and will last in my opinion for the next 12 years, as after President Trump, VP Vance will continue the blessings of maintaining our constitution by being elected President for 8 years, creating wonderful opportunities for all Americans, continued prosperity, energy independence, national security, and much more.
Once the Republicans retain control of the House and indeed are getting very close, the magnificent “Red Wave” will be in place for a long time.
That’s the way I see it. As always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated. Let’s keep it Red from now on ! God bless America!
Respectfully Submitted,
JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network