Dear Friends,
I was delighted to hear the good news that former marine Danial Penny — a true American hero — who basically saved a subway car full of people from possible harm by tackling a deranged maniac named Jordan Neely, who was threatening to kill everyone, and putting him in a chokehold. The chokehold is standard Martial Arts training in the military and is very effective and it can be deadly. Unfortunately the nutcase died, and Penny was prosecuted. The prosecution should have never happened and today Penny was completely exonerated by the jury.
Frankly, anybody who thinks Penny was guilty has to be a complete idiot. Folks, when somebody threatens to kill me, I am going to react with violence if needed to save myself and others.
In Delaware, where I come from, it is called “Terroristic Threatening” and is a felony. We have the right to defend ourselves and Penny, although never intending to kill the guy, was trying to restrain him with the chokehold until the cops arrived. An expert witness testified “that the choke hold was probably not the cause of death, as the perpetrator was filled with dangerous drugs in his system.”
Regardless, justice was done today for Penny and he is a free man! I hope he writes a book and makes millions.
So be it. That is the way I see it. As always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated. I would love to hear from you about any of this.
Respectfully Submitted,
JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network