Dock Workers’ Strike Could Break America–Biden Could Fix It, But Won’t !

Dear Friends,

The “Long Shoremen” on the entire East Coast, the folks that load and unload ships have now entered the 3rd day of a strike which is already affecting the normal operation of importing and exporting goods.

As a retired ship’s pilot on the Delaware River, delivering everything from containers to bulk cargo to the ports of Philadelphia, nobody knows better than I how devastating a long term strike can be. Not only will it compromise the income of thousand’s of port workers, including agents, line runners, ship’s chandlers, pilots, tug boat companies, truckers and every aspect of port operations, but will affect financially the entire well being of the United States. Folks, the situation is a matter of National Security!

The leaders of this powerful Union have bragged about “how they can cripple the entire economy of the US if they don’t get what they want”, which is a 77 % wage increase over 6 years and no significant automation. Indeed, they have a point as shippers have made millions over the past several years. On the other hand, the dock workers make an average of $81,000 a year without a college degree and can make upwards of $200,000 per year with overtime. Some of the leaders responsible for the strike make $700,000 per year.

All this being said, President Joe Biden knew this problem was developing months ago and did absolutely nothing about it. He has the ability and power to facilitate negotiations and implement the “Taft Hartley Act” which will end the strike and force a significant cooling off period.

This strike, if it lasts more than 2 months, will totally interrupt the supply chain for every aspect of America’s operation. It will also have foreign implications, as many needed commodities are exported. The delivery of food, medicine, cars, auto parts, toys, alcohol, as just about everything comes by ship, will stop. Restaurants, car dealerships, and innumerable businesses will not be able to function. The demand for necessary goods will drive inflation off the charts. The shelves in super markets will be empty! A long term strike these days which closes our port operations could create a depression worse than 1929.

Biden says he won’t implement the Taft Hartley Act because he believes in “Collective Bargaining” !!! Folks there has not been nor is there now any “Collective Bargaining” going on. As usual the worst President in US history, doesn’t give a damn about the people of America and continues his incompetent policies to the extreme detriment of our country.

I urge every elected official and every person involved to put pressure on Biden to get both parties to the bargaining table and end this strike! If this does not happen soon, the consequences will be insurmountable.

Folks, this is reality and is the truth. As always, your comments are welcome and appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,

JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network