In case you are in Wilmington, Delaware today, from noon to 3:02pm, stop by the Community Resource Fair at the Eastside Charter School in Wilmington, Delaware. The address is 3000 N. Claymont St.

While I’m a staunch Republican and not a fan of the Democratic party in any way, I do like what newly elected Governor Matt Meyer is doing in America’s First State. He’s certainly more vibible than his predecessor John Carney, who was much less visible and active during his tenure.

Let me know your thoughts and feedback on this, folks. They are always welcome and appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

JUDSON BENNETT–Coastal Network

See this tweet from the Governor’s account yesterday for more information:

Delaware and Matt Meyer are hosting the inaugural 302 Day today.
It’s a Community Resource Fair at the Eastside Charter School in Wilmington, Delaware
at 3000 N. Claymont St., from noon to 3:02pm Delaware time, today, folks.