Bill Stevenson, Former Husband of Jill Biden, Published his Tell-All Book Showing the Intrinsic Evil of the Entire Biden Family!!!


 is the name of the book.

It was an honor and my distinct pleasure to read this incredible expose’ on the Biden brothers written by Bill Stevenson, a remarkable Delaware Icon who was once married to Jill Biden.

Bill sent me 3 copies–one being the actual 25th edition which was my old football number. Joe Biden, without a doubt, is the worst President of the United States in our country’s history. He is a criminal along with his brothers. Besides their corruption, Joe Biden bribed the head of the Teamsters Union to withhold the delivery of the Delaware News Journal which was endorsing Caleb Boggs, the current US Senator when Joe Biden first ran for the Senate. According to Bill Stevenson, he actually funded that nefarious operation with $2900, besides donating 10K to Biden’s grotesque candidacy. Indeed he regrets that now!

Joe Biden thanked Bill by stealing his wife, arranging a false prosecution against him; attempted, with wife Jill, to take his business, and did everything he could to compromise Bill Stevenson’s life. Jill Biden and Joe lied to the nation about how they met. She claimed She and Joe met on a blind date when in fact they knew each other from the campaign. Jill is a cheater, a liar, and part of the despicable Biden operation. The evil in this family is totally exposed in Bill’s interesting story. Folks it is all true and the Bidens are definitely exposed for what they really are which is an abomination in my opinion

Folks, I urge you to read the book to obtain a full understanding of the entire phony, realistic, and despicable sense of the Bidens including Jill. Folks, they are not nice people!!!!

All this being said, Bill Stevenson asked me to advise my readers of the following: “ 95% of all the books already ordered have been shipped. If you wish to purchase his book, send a check for $27.95 to Bill Stevenson, P.O. Box 4242, Greenville, DE 19807. Books will be shipped within a week of receiving your check. Please make sure you enclose your name and address with your order.”

Folks, It is important in my view, before voting in the November election, you should read this book which tells what these nefarious politicians and greedy opportunists are really about. Harris/ Walz are absolutely of the same ilk–evil liars and empty suits with a Communist/Socialist agenda.

God bless Bill Stevenson for his guts, his acumen, his innovation, and his patriotism. READ THE BOOK and VOTE FOR TRUMP TO SAVE OUR NATION!

As always, your comments are welcome and appreciated.

Best regards,

JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network