Constitutional Crisis or Permitted Presidential Actions ?

Dear Friends,

I have watched with interest as President Donald Trump is slashing and burning government agencies, firing thousands of people, and investigating waste and fraud through the expertise of Elon Musk, et al.

The Democrats are screaming bloody murder and claiming Trump has no constitutional right to do this?

Indeed, the idea of agencies like USAID spending billions of dollars of taxpayers money on things like forestation burning in Vietnam or Tourism in Egypt are reprehensible to me. Frankly, I can’t understand how anyone could approve of that absurd waste?

Regardless, are Trump’s actions, many based on Elon Musk’s recommendations, legal under Presidential Executive Privilege or are they possibly unconstitutional?

Could we be on the verge of a Constitutional Crisis as many on the left are screaming?

The Supreme Court will most likely decide.

What do you think? Your comments are welcome and appreciated.

Yours truly,

JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network