
Dear Friends,

I have spent the last 3 years criticizing and exposing Biden’s horrible, economic policies, his obvious illegal influence peddling, his despicable border operation, his betrayal of the US Military, his fallacious support of the GREEN NEW DEAL, his ambivalent support of Israel and much more. Frankly, it is frightening, even though he is not running for reelection, that he will be President for 6 more months.

That being said, his VP Kamala Harris, now the clear choice for the Democrat nomination for President, now that Biden was forced out, is not even slightly qualified to be President of the United States. She will be a clone of Joe Biden and will maintain his disastrous border policy creating economic chaos, increased crime, drug trafficking, human smuggling—nothing but horrible problems for all concerned.

Folks, Kamala Harris was a terrible DA for San Francisco and also for the State of California. She supported defunding the police and bailed out George Floyd rioters who later committed heinous crimes including murder. At the same time while DA she prosecuted thousands of African Americans for minor marijuana infractions. The woman is a total hypocrite and the worst VP in US history! She was known as the most liberal Senator in the US Senate with crazy “Progressive” ideas.  

From statements from her own mouth, here is what you will get if she is elected:

1) Maintenance of Biden’s border policy-causing increased crime, including murder of American citizens.

2) Total commitment to the Green New Deal-forcing electric vehicles to replace our gasoline operated cars, stopping all drilling operations, and creating further inflation.

3) Harris will raise your taxes by allowing Trump’s tax cuts to expire. It will be a huge increase. Also she wants to raise corporate Tax to 35% which will drive corporations offshore or force them to go out of business—creating terrible unemployment.

4) Harris wants to allow men to participate in female sports and share locker rooms as well.

5) Harris wants to stack the Supreme Court, create term limits, and basically disrupt the US Constitution.

Folks, I could write a book about the incompetence of the Biden/Harris administration and the lies and corruption it has bestowed on the American people.

Whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent, if you have any logic, unless you want to live in mediocrity and fear, how can you vote for Kamala Harris for President of the United States?

Trump offers real prosperity, a closed border, a reduction in taxes, national security, total support of Israel, and a huge reduction in crime with support of the police and ICE as well.

Yes there are those of you who hate Trump’s personality and want to ruin his life with the fallacious criminal charges he is facing! Folks, they will be dismissed by higher Courts and the Harris argument about his felony convictions will no longer be valid. Trump is a businessman and will create good high paying jobs that will help the entire nation, especially African Americans and the Hispanic Community.

Harris will push the false narrative about abortion rights, but abortion is easily available in most states and is where it should be, left up to each individual state. She continues to threaten to hold up needed military supplies for Israel and her weak policies could get us in World War III.

Folks, in my view, I don’t see how any intelligent American citizen could vote for Harris over former president Donald Trump.

That’s the way I see it. As always your feedback is welcome and appreciated. Please stay tuned.

The fight by this patriotic writer is now beginning in earnest against an obvious Kamala Harris- totalitarian, Orwellian government filled with incompetence vs a happy, prosperous government under Trump who will make America Great Again! So Be It!

Respectfully Submitted,

JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network