Dear Friends, The “Bad Fellas” ad below ran in last Sunday’s Delaware News Journal.
Do you see the ad as:
A.) Effective?
B.) Ineffective?
And why?
I appreciate your feedback. I’m curious about your thoughts on it.
Respectfully Yours,
JUDSON Bennett–Coastal Network

Citizens for Judicial Fairness Launches Full Scale “BadFellas” Campaign to Expose Chancery Court Corruption and Abuse
Business Wire
February 21, 2024
Citizens for Judicial Fairness “Bad
Citizens for Judicial Fairness protestors outside of the University of Delaware Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance event on ESG, which featured an all-white panel discussing ESG issues. (Photo: Citizens for Judicial Fairness)
Rampant Court Malfeasance Weakens Justice, Threatens DE Economy
“BadFellas” Campaign Includes Billboard Truck, Direct Mail, and Full-Page Print Advertisement
Billboard Truck Will Circle “Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance” Elite Legal Insiders Event
WILMINGTON, Del., February 21, 2024–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Today, Citizens for Judicial Fairness launched a new campaign, “BadFellas,” to expose Delaware Chancery Court injustices ahead of a University of Delaware Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance event featuring former Chancery Court Chancellor Andre Bouchard. The campaign will call out Bouchard, as well as former Supreme Court Chief Justice Leo Strine and current Chancery Court Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick, as “BadFellas” who are rigging Delaware’s court system and threatening the state’s economy by driving businesses away from DE to incorporate in other states.
The campaign includes a billboard truck that will circle today’s event, a piece of direct mail sent to over 10,000 New Castle County residents, and a full-page print ad in the Delaware News Journal to run later in the week.
Citizens for Judicial Fairness released the following statement about the campaign, “The Chancery Court’s unchecked corruption and naked self-dealing is not just a perverse abuse of justice, it’s metastasized into an existential threat to the state’s economy as big companies incorporate elsewhere to escape the fraud and abuse. The ‘BadFellas’ who run Delaware have spent years putting themselves and their cronies first at the expense of Delaware communities. Legal insiders like Andre Bouchard, Leo Strine, and current Chancery Court Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick seem committed to the infamous line from Goodfellas – ‘F*** You, Pay Me’ – no matter what it means for Delawareans.
“The only way to staunch the bleeding is to enact a popular and comprehensive court reform package that will bring urgently needed diversity, transparency, accountability and fairness to our Judiciary. With a new vacancy coming open on the Chancery Court, we are committed to doing our utmost in the coming months to have a justice of color appointed to the court while continuing our fight for reform and transparency throughout the state’s judicial system.”